About Us
At Trinity United Methodist Church, we know we are called to use our God-given gifts to proclaim the Good News of God’s Love and to make new disciples for Jesus Christ.
We are not a large congregation but we are a committed congregation, and we welcome you and EVERYONE from ANYWHERE to join us!
Understanding that we are imperfect, and that our church is imperfect, we nevertheless are committed to pursuing together the following goals:
We gather together weekly (sometimes more!) to praise God, and pray for one another and the world around us. Looking to God's Word in scripture, sacraments, preaching, and music: worship is at the heart of who we are here at Trinity UMC.
We are all sharing and growing in faith as we try to daily live as disciples of Jesus Christ. He taught us to live in love, listen to the Spirit, and trust God in all circumstances.
Learning is important here. You'll find Scripture-based preaching by Pastor Jeon and frequent guest speakers; Bible studies, book discussions, and occasional regional special events.
We want to serve because Christ came to serve the world. Towards this end we support (with time, talents, funds or facilities) a number local and global ministries including.. community meals and soup carry-outs, Care and Share Food Pantry, AA, Red Cross Blood Drives at Trinity, winter warming spaces, UMC Global Missions, Hoyt family ministry, UMCore emergency services, Camp Methuwana, SALEM Ecumenical